Thursday, August 19, 2010

fuck hollywood. seriously. pt 1

So like... Why does hollywood still exist?

no seriously. There are some good artists in Hollywood, but you know what? This stupid shit has to stop

What stupid shit? What other stupid shit could I be talking about then the adapting of old cartoons from the 30-90s being turned into a shitty CGI movie?

Have ANY of these movies ever been good? I seriously thought about it, if there's ever been a CGI movie remake of a old cartoon that I didn't leave pissed off as hell about, because the jokes 90% of the time degenerate into:

A. Yo, hip-hop is so gangsta and alvin and (the chipmunks/the smurfs/whoever the fuck) is with the TIMES DAWG.

B. low brow humor, in a cartoon that was never really high brow, but is quickly lowering the standards with shit humor.

C. NOT. FUNNY. (ie: Tom and jerry movie, the flintstones movie, the jetsons movie, alvin and the chipmunks, every fucking adaptation EVER.)

So... what started this trend?

The first real attempt was the flintstones, which was a shitty movie. It was kinda low key on the CGI.... except for the backgrounds. oh and every fucking animal. The acting was horrible and it had every problem a cash in movie could probably have.

Everyone noticed the movie was shit, and it was never spoken of again.

Until the first successful adaptation.

Scooby. Doo. Goddamnit.

Next time, we'll talk about scooby doo.

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