Seems like it. So, what should we go over today? More Evangelion?


No. I'm good.
Let's try another Gainax anime, shall we? Here's another one of my favorites, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.

...No, I'm serious, that's the title.
No, it's not porn! Here, look



OK so it's full of fanservice. Sue me. Regardless, Panty and Stocking are two raunchy, bitchy angels who were kicked out of heaven and sent to earth. In order to redeem themselves, they must defeat ghosts and collect 'heaven coins' to purchase their way back into heaven. They are put under the care of the Priest named Garterbelt.

Yeah. After a few episodes, the angels make acquaintances with a high school nerd named Brief (affectionately nicknamed 'Geek Boy' by the angels).

Anyway, the series is directed by Hiroyuki Imaishi (whose repertoire includes anime like FLCL and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann). The artstyle is different from what Gainax usually produces; a cartoony homage to American animation. The animators vary on the episode, switching between artists from Gurren Lagann, but the same basic style stays the same in each episode.

The angels themselves do battle by 'transforming' articles of clothing that match their names into guns and swords. Upon defeating a ghost, the anime cuts to a real life model of the ghost, and the model then explodes with some kind of random word or phrase.

The church bell gongs, and everything goes back to normal until the next ghost appears. But where are all of these ghosts coming from? Who is responsible? Maybe a little bit more next time...

-Arlon The Enigma
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