Thursday, July 8, 2010

Big things going on!

So, apparently this blog thing is gonna happen. I'm Oats, and I like to party. I also like cooking things and the internet. Also, I bitch about a lot of stuff, which could be something I end up putting on this blog I suppose. Anyway, I've got a short story to tell!

Last night, my friends Mike Lee and Billings were headed to Wal-Mart to get some stuff. We were at a stop light in the right of two left turn lanes, and there was a car in the other lane to our left. When the light turned green, we both go, but the other car decides it's a good idea to just drive into the oncoming lanes. The funny part isn't that they decided to do this and then realized their mistake in the middle of turning. No, they drove for a good 10 seconds THE WRONG WAY before turning around. It was high-larious, and basically made the night.

Hopefully I won't be completely lazy and actually put up some posts for people to follow. I'm not sure why people would follow this blog, but I'm going to do it anyway!

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