Sunday, November 21, 2010

Not an entirely successful first week

I'm glad that The HelpeR's post was good enough to make up for a few missed days. It seems as though this wasn't the best week to start off. Let's hope the next few weeks will allow us to get adjusted to the schedule and work out our own personal posting styles.

But enough about that.

Apologies to not posting yesterday, but I figure that since Ballister went home for Thanksgiving and doesn't have internet access, that I can go ahead and use that to post today instead. So how is everyone?

...Please, one at a time.


So it's been a busy and fun couple of months here at college. I've met a few good people, and a few dumbasses, but overall it's been great. I've learned a few things and begun perfecting things I already knew how to do.

Sadly enough I've started playing mind-numbing MMORPGs again. Yeah, World of Warcraft is the main one. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm excited about Cataclysm. I also finally got a character to the level cap (80 for now), so I can experience end-game events now. However, I get this feeling that soon enough, I'll be bored with it, yet continue playing due to pure addiction.

Now why would I ever feel that? People don't get addicted to MMOs! NEVER!

Feel free to shoot me now.

I dunno, I'll figure it out. Sorry for the partially unprepared, half-ass post. I'll work on figuring out my personal style of posting soon enough. Until then, enjoy the other posts!

-Arlon The Enigma

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