Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dislike Button

Where is it? I think Mark's really slacking here not putting it in. We have the like button which is all great and anything, but if you use the internet often you know that the internet doesn't thrive off liking other people's stuff and agreeing with them. It needs hate and arguing and trolling and lots of it.

And we could have it on the book easily. It's like one copy paste job and and changing a plus sign to a minus. Think of the possibilities.

You know that guy/girl who constantly feels the need to update their Facebook status with the dumbest shit ever? "Just poured a glass of milk!" "Douchebag McGee is watching TV for the next 2 hours." Yeah, fuck them. With the dislike button, it'd be a 1 second task to show that idiot how stupid his post is. Maybe he brushes off 1 dislike as just some angry guy, but after 6 or 7 or more dislikes on his post he gets the point that no one gives a shit that he just let his dog out to take a piss for the third time that day. And there's no greater feeling than seeing an idiot slowly come to terms with the fact that he's a failure at life.

And we could go even further with it too. A lot of forums (ipb 3+ for instance) have a rep system where you can "+1" (like) or "-1" (dislike) a post. And the total rep you've received for your posts is stored and is viewable by everyone.

Think about introducing that shit to Facebook. It encourages people to make status posts, thereby increasing activity and it'd be insanely fun. If you're an idiot with a poorly informed opinion on things? You either are scared out of posting (for fear of negative rep) which is great because then we don't have to read that shit or you go ahead and post and we constantly negative rep you. If you make a smart observation or funny post or something like that, you get rewarded for it as people +1 you.

And then you have a leaderboard showing the largest negative rep (best trolls or most hated people) and the best rep. That'd be sick. People who make shitty posts get made to look like idiots with the negative rep, and others are rewarded for smart posts.

Plus, imagine how much stupid drama would go on on facebook between "friends." It'd be awesome. Nonstop arguments and people getting pissed off about their rep. What's better than that?

Do it Zuckerberg.


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