Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So… America likes ducks, right?

Donald Duck, Daffy Duck, Plucky Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Howard the Duck, and… Duckman.

Ok, so you probably haven’t heard of this show. For A LOT of reasons.

A. It aired when the Simpsons was still at it’s height in popularity

B. It was something of a show that attempted to tackle some of the more controversial and deeper parts of humanity.

C. It originally aired on USA. No, not the country, the network.

D . It was NEVER syndicated, for A-C, only comedy central aired episodes, and only very briefly.

With those reasons in mind, what is Duckman? Well, it’s essentially a show about a duck who goes around solving mysteries, with a family man spin put on it. Also, he’s a incredibly large dick, often insulting anyone and everyone around him, putting others in danger, objectifying women, and, when he’s angry enough (or just wants to honestly) killing his secretaries, Fluffy and Uranus.

D’aww, aren’t they adorable?

They’re… cute. Disgustingly cute in fact. They’re supposed to represent the PC culture that we were entering as a society in the 90s, where everything had to be good and nice, never offending anyone, and are generally extremely annoying about it. And while they make at least one or two appearances an episode, and rarely get more then like, 2 or 3 minutes of screen time, their characters are made worth it by some fun activities they often partake in.

Like becoming sidewalk pizza!

This is easily one of the tamest ways these characters are offed, and apparently, due to being made of cotton, they’re incredibly resilient.

As far as to come back from this.

These are both from the 1st episode. I won’t spoil much more, but I really enjoy this show, and you might want to check out this show. The art is extremely interesting, and it generally parodies humanity. Though the fluffy and Uranus deaths are easily my favorite.

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