Thursday, December 10, 2015

The History of That's Your Problem!

Hey! I told you that I'd be back! I'm sure you're ready to get right back into the wonderful place we like to call: That's Your Problem!!


Fair enough. Regardless, I figured that since I'm going to try and boot this thing back up, that I'd be able to give you all a little history lesson on this blog.

Yeah, I know, it was around for like two years at best, rarely posted, and then died until like three days ago. That's not exactly what I meant. We're going back in time, to see where the name 'That's Your Problem' came to be, and how it all led up to a disappointingly neglected blog. So hold on to your comfy computer chairs; because it's.... gonna be a regular boring story that you probably don't actually care about. But, as usual, check the title of the blog, and get back to us. If I say you're gonna get a history lesson, then by god you're going to get one. Deal. Nerds.

Our lesson takes us back to the mysterious and dangerous time of 2003. Where the internet was rude, vile, and able to call people names without fear of retribution. Once upon a time, there was a website called BlackHole Chronicles (I promise that searching for it won't result in anything). It was a page where a few friends and myself (who all met online, mind you) posted our shitty webcomics. Boy do I mean shitty. Like, I don't have leftover examples, but I can give you two terrifying, mind-numbing words on the medium: Anyone squeamish should stop reading now.

Are you ready?

I don't think you are.

No one is ever truly ready for this horror.

You asked for it.


I'm sorry.

Wait, what? You don't know what that means? What? No, it's not comics about the delicious refreshing taste of Sprite soda (I'm not getting paid to say that, but Coca-Cola, I totally could be. Just saying.) Sprite comics are webcomics that are comprised of copy-pasted character sprites from old 2-D video games (Sonic the Hedgehog being the prime example). For the most part, they're awful. comics by people who don't have the ability to draw or enlist artists to bring their stories to life. There are a few exceptions, Bob and George and 8-bit Theater come to mind.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. All of us made shitty sprite comics. There were five of us and all of our content was awful. The only redeeming factor (and I use that word loosely) was the fun we had on our forums with the few people who actually liked our stuff for some reason. You see, I was a big fan of the website Fireball20xl; the place run by Psyguy (a.k.a. Bryon Beaubien) and various friends of his (sound familiar?). Granted, Psyguy ended up being a horrible human being, but that's neither here nor there. I'm not about to get into an internet argument about that.

Regardless of the credibility of its owner, that website inspired me to pursue a career in the webcomic world. A short-lived one. I made a sprite comic, and not being creative (hey I was 15, cut me some slack), I took the name of a popular comic on that site named 'That's My Sonic' and warping it into something similar but completely different: That's Your Problem! It was exactly what you'd expect from a teenager; bad jokes and half-assed plots. I'd show you some examples of how bad this thing was back then, but all files on were lost in the devastating internet fires of '06 (a.k.a. the owner of our website stopped paying for hosting). We were all stupid teenagers; we never thought to back up our stuff. Be thankful.

Once BHC crashed and burned, we all pretty much went our separate ways. I keep in touch with a few people from back then, but not frequently. For example, TheHelpr is actually one of those guys from back then. He's also the only one I've met in person. Pretty cool guy. Weird, but at TYP, we all are. Tangent aside, I still wanted to pursue the idea of having a webcomic, and I had finally started being somewhat satisfied with my own drawing style. I made a few other things on the side, but TYP was always fresh in my mind. It was my central hub; whenever I wanted to make something short and funny with my various characters, I'd put it up on my deviantart (not linked because I don't want to shamelessly plug my own works) under the guise of That's Your Problem!.It stuck that way. Infrequent but always reflecting my thoughts and what I could pass as humor at the time.

What the actual fuck was wrong with me?

Eventually, I got the idea of blogging. I named my blog after TYP because I thought that I might ever upload my comics here. I was dead wrong. I ended up being wishy-washy and depressing for a bit, and left the blog at that.

Fast-forward a few years. I was in college and wanted to do something for fun when I had downtime. I went back to drawing, and, of course, TYP was the first that that I thought of. I was planning to reboot the whole thing and have real updates for this blog.

As you can see, that fell through as well.

Finally, I decided to make this a collaboration blog. Friends of mine would take turns posting whatever we wanted on a weekly schedule. That one can't go wrong, right? Right? Please, class, can anyone tell me how that turned out?

Now now, not all at once. One at a time.

How about you? Yeah you, the kid who looks disinterested and slumped over in their computer chair. Can you tell me?

Yeah, we fucked up.


But on that note, I'm at least back, and I'm never gonna leave you baby.

What? No! That's Your Problem! Not you. I'm talking to my creation. Creep.

So all in all, welcome back to That's Your Problem! Our goal here is to entertain you with whatever comes to mind at the time. We try not to censor ourselves here, so the page won't be for the faint of heart (at least not until we get a paycheck for it. You know what I'm talking about. Yeaaaaaah in it for the money baby~).

So look, I've said it before and I'll say it again. We want you to enjoy our content, but if anything here offends you, or upsets you...


Let me just direct you to that glorious title one more time.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey. Old RageTh here. I didnt even know of this place til the other day.

Fun fact, my sprite talent got to be used by the guy who got me into sprite comics a couple years ago. His place aint what it once was, but im still proud of myself.