Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stanford Kids are Idiots

First off, this is Ben posting for Oats on Thursday because I was yet again a lazy bastard and forgot to post on my day. And Oats had to be some place called "work" and wasn't going to be able to post.

So there's this guy from Stanford and his name is Andrew Luck. Andrew thinks it's a great idea to turn down somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 million dollars so that he can spend next year finishing up an architecture degree. Up in Cambridge, students are laughing their asses off at the school that calls itself the "Harvard of the West."

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you probably don't follow college football/NFL draft stuff too closely. But don't worry, I'll give you the full back-story. You see, there's this guy who plays Quarterback at Stanford named Andrew Luck, and he's pretty good. He's the fucker that made Tech lose last weekend, which I wasn't too happy about, but I still have to agree that he knows what he's doing at the QB position. So Andrew's already been being projected as going #1 overall in the NFL draft in April. You know what happens if you go at #1 overall in the NFL draft? To give you an idea, here's what happened to the past 2 guys who went at that position:

2008 #1. Matthew Stafford QB Detroit Signed 6 years, $72 million ($41.7M guaranteed)
2009 #1. Sam Bradford QB St. Louis Signed Six years, $78 million ($50M guaranteed)

Yeah, that's a lot of fucking money. And it was expected to go up a bit this year too, close to 60 million, guaranteed. That's the key word here, he was guaranteed to have it. Instead he turned it down and decided he'd rather wait to get paid. I guess no one told him about the rookie salary cap that is likely coming in 2012. Or the fact that he might get his knee blown out playing a useless year of college football and get paid jack shit when he finally gets drafted in the 3rd round in 2012.

Here's a list of the things I'd be willing to do for 60 million dollars:

1. Have sex with a really fat chick, sober
2. Cut off two of my fingers (not the middle ones though)
3. Be forced to watch Gigli on repeat for a week straight
4. Or maybe just any-fucking-thing, since it's 60 million dollars and you'd be set for life.

But no, Andrew Luck decided he'd enjoy sitting through another semester of classes WITHOUT his 60 million dollars. Because... why? You want to have a degree to fall back on in case you don't make it in the NFL? Is the 60 million fucking dollars not enough to have to fall back on? Oh, is it because you want to be an architect when you're done with the NFL? Is the 60 million fucking dollars not enough to pay for that last year of school once you're done?

Nice move. Hope you don't break an arm or anything next year playing college football (for free), cause I don't wanna have to go to hell when I laugh for a week at all the money you lost out on. I've got much worse things I could be doing to send me there.

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